Thursday, August 13, 2009 - Type Once, Update Many.

I've started using to manage status updates for my various social media outlets.

HelloTxt allows me to link up to nearly 60 different social media websites of varying use, reputation and maturity. The usuals are there, like Facebook, Twitter, and, but also some more obscure sites like Plurk and Utterli are featured too.

So, what's the point? Why sign up for all those sites anyway? I think this kind of interface will allow advocates to drive their message to much greater audiences with just one status update linked back to your key messages or action alert.

Type once, update many.

A caution however, is to know your audience. HelloTxt will also connect to Blogger and Wordpress, but do you really want to update those audiences with the same messaging as Twitter and Facebook? I don't -- think carefully where you direct the power of this new type of online tool.

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