Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lolcats for Lobbying?

Yep, sure enough, the Lolcats phenomena has entered the political arena.

MoveOn.org created a video here  (with story from the Global Post) and below in the style of Lolcats that compares the rich to fat-cats and hard working Americans to kittens.

Effective, funny, creative - but didn't quite get the job done - yet.

How can you use videos to tell your story and move public opinion?

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Use your smart phone for lobbying - there's an App for that part 2

Bono does it, why can't you?

The prevalence of smart phones makes the custom App perfect for your next fly-in or grassroots lobbying effort.  Bono's anti-poverty group ONE uses an iPhone App that figures out who your member of Congress is, brings up their phone number and provides you with a handy script to read off to the receptionist or other poor intern that answers the phone in D.C.

More from Roll Call here.